How to Build Toddler Skills the QUICKEST!!!

How to Build Toddler Skills

Potty Skill- This one is pretty obvious, right? Grab a potty, have toddler trained to level 2. Then just let them go on their own until level 3… NO!!! LOL

Buy the Monster Potty instead of the basic potty. Have mom or dad do 4 potty sessions back to back and potty skill is MAXED!!!!

Also for Potty Skill, you can have any toddler “watch” another toddler potty and this will also build the potty skill!

Communication- Buy the Kitty, blarfy etc (I found Kitty to be just a pinch faster), babble 4 times and you’re little toddler is already at level 3 and can now talk. Talk 10 more times and communication is MAXED, yep completely maxed out after this with Kitty that is. It took 3 Sim Hours..

Imagination- The TENT that came with Cottage Living is a must have and the absolute quickest way to MAX imagination!!! It takes only 3 “play inside” and imagination is fully maxed out ya all.

Movement- Playing with a teen-adult is the quickest for this, literally there is a play option under friendly. 

The second quickest is the slide!! Have toddler “slide” 10 times and their movement is maxed out fully. It is quick and easy.

Thinking- Everyone says the blocks, this is not so it is very slow. Thinking is the slowest no matter what BUT!!!!! You can have the toddler “watch” a parent, teen, etc and boom thinking skill goes up a level after 4 watches each time. As long as person they are watching is cooking, painting, working out, etc….. THIS is the quickest way for thinking. 

Secondary for this is walking around clicking “what’s that” option on things like computer, tv, trash can, etc and then you are doing thinking and movement combined. It is slower but still helps. 

LOT TRAIT’S- The Lot traits that truly help gain skills quickest for toddler’s are 1. Child’s Play 2. Study Spot and 3. Homey and BTW these lot traits help all your other Sims as well so that’s a big bonus LOL. 

Last but not least, obviously, tiny home 64 tiles or smaller significantly increases how fast the skills are gained as well. 

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